Whether you’re a football fan or not, the NFL Superbowl is one of the most exciting days of the year. Between the competition, the food, and, of course, the commercials, Superbowl parties are a blast… and if you have a host of tips under your belt, they can be fun to host, too.
We’ve got you covered on six tips to throw the perfect Superbowl party, even if your favorite team didn’t make it all the way this year.
We’re big believers that the people around you are what makes a party or gathering special. Even if you get everything else right, without good friends and family by your side, your party won’t be perfect.
We suggest inviting friends and family who are excited about the game but want to socialize and mingle during some of it. Invite people who won’t keep their eyes glued to the screen the whole time, because let’s be honest: they should probably just watch from the comfort of their own home if they are going to do that.
We recommend inviting enough people that some can watch the game while others hang out in the kitchen or a separate part of your home. That way, it really feels like a party and not just a television screening. Keep in mind how many people you want in your space because crowding around the TV with too many people might cause chaos.
Don’t forget to be clear whether you are expecting children there or not, because if you aren’t prepared to host parents and children, this might cause some problems. Depending on how rowdy you’re hoping to get with your guests, decide if your party will be kid-friendly.
If you decide that children are welcome, consider getting some activities for the kids who might be restless after watching the football game for approximately five minutes. Coloring and some simple games usually do the trick. What we’re saying is, nothing kills a party vibe quite like crying and bored children.
Depending on how many people you're planning on hosting, having enough food is one of the most important aspects of throwing an awesome Superbowl party.
We suggest sticking to the basics. Chicken wings, nachos, pizza, chips and salsa, and chili are all classic Superbowl food options that will satisfy almost everyone.
Because it’s one of the busiest days of the year for pizza delivery places, get a few frozen pizzas so that you can heat them up on your own time, or call ahead and give yourself plenty of time to reheat delivery pizzas.
Whatever you decide to do, plan ahead. Grocery stores will be chaotic (think the day before Thanksgiving chaotic), so to avoid any unnecessary stress, head out to the store a few days before and stock up your fridge with the essentials.
If you’re hoping to spice things up and lean toward the fancier side, try crafting your own Superbowl charcuterie board. This is a unique yet tasteful idea that your guests will be sharing all over social media. It’s also an affordable way to provide plenty of food for your guests, which is always a bonus!
It’s almost a guarantee that your guests will bring some sort of appetizer, so plan for that too. Whether it’s an extra batch of buffalo chicken wings or a veggie plate, leftovers are a happy problem. Welcome all food with open arms, but don’t require it. The last thing you want is your guests to feel pressured to bring something they’re unable to.
This might sound counterintuitive since the TV will probably be on blast for the duration of the party. However, some good background music should be a rule of thumb for any party.
As mentioned before, there will probably be a good number of people who are more interested in hanging out and catching up with friends than they are watching the game itself. Therefore, music is a must.
The genre is totally up to you. As long as it has good vibes and doesn’t distract the football spectators, you’ll be fine. More importantly, charge your speaker the morning of the party. You don’t want to be stuck with a dead speaker during a party!
Let’s be honest… Superbowl parties are a fantastic excuse to get a group of friends and family to drink. If you’re hosting a party, it’s going to be your primary responsibility to provide the majority of the alcohol, so be sure to stock up before the guests arrive.
Beer and wine are classic and simple. However, if you want to spice things up a little, try making a new Superbowl-themed cocktail to impress your guests.
If you’re a bar cart type of person, you could try decorating your bar cart (or an established bar area of your home) with fun Superbowl decorations.
It’s not the Superbowl if you’re not repping your favorite team’s merch. Maybe you’ve got a signed jersey that you won’t wash until the end of the season (or the end of a winning streak) or maybe you’re keeping it chill with a shirt that shows your city pride with your area code or a local delicacy.
Whatever options your choose, just make sure you’re wearing the right apparel to show off your team spirit.
Decorations are easy but important to remember. If you are rooting for a specific team, simply decorating with team colors is the way to go. This would also help inform the types of food you will buy (for example, you could bake cookies or cupcakes with team colors).
If there isn’t a consensus among guests about who everyone is rooting for, get creative! Maybe you’ve got Tampa Bay fans and Cincinnati fans all in one room. Decorate rooms or separate areas of your respective home with colors of both teams, or set up two photo booth stations, and guests can choose their preferred side. There are plenty of ways to bring the competition off of the TV screen and into your home if that’s what you’re going for.
One of the best options for a Superbowl party is to incorporate city flags into your wall decor to show support for the locations of your favorite teams. Whether you’re rooting for the Ravens and repping Baltimore or you’re a die-hard Browns fan who wants to show the love for Cleveland, you can’t go wrong with this choice.
Finally, if you are hoping for a more neutral Superbowl party look, that’s a safe choice, too. Decorate your home with streamers, balloons, and displays that revolve around football in general; field goals, footballs, and turf. Stores will be selling these decorations everywhere when it comes time for the Superbowl, so don’t worry about these decorations being few and far between.
If you’re a football fan, Superbowl parties are one of the most exciting times of the year, and you have plenty of time to throw the perfect party.
Keep these tips in mind as you prepare for your party because while Superbowl parties are exciting, they can also bring out some strong emotions in people (especially the particularly passionate football fans.)
At the end of the day, don’t stress yourself out! Enjoy a drink or take some time before and especially during the party to enjoy yourself. If you’re an anxious host, your guests might feel it, too.
Lastly, if the preferred team doesn’t win, you and your guests might be in low spirits. Remember that it is not a reflection of your perfect party, and you can always look forward to football season next year. If anything, your party should lighten the mood despite the disappointing outcome of the game. And if they win, even better. Now you’re ready to celebrate good football, friends, family, and food!
22 Cocktail Recipes to Make at your Superbowl Party | Town and Country